Behavioral Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

1 define illness and common illnesses.

2 identify at least five common illnesses in your community.

3 mention the symptoms of common illnesses in your community.

4 identify causes of common illnesses.

5 mention ways of preventing common illnesses.



Meaning and examples of common illnesses

Illness is when a person is not feeling healthy and well. Such a person may have a headache, malaria fever, pain or stomachache.

When someone is ill, we sometimes say that he is suffering from a disease.

It is a medical doctor who tests a person and finds out the disease he is having.


Common illnesses are the diseases that many people have in the community. They can be noticed in all parts of the community.

Examples of common illnesses

The following are the examples of illnesses and diseases that are common in our environment.

1 Malaria – Malaria is an illness that is caused by mosquitoes.

Anopheles mosquito is the carrier of the parasite that causes malaria. The parasite is called plasmodium. If mosquito bites us, we may have malaria

2 Dysentery – A person has dysentery when he visits the toilet very frequently to pass excreta. The excreta is usually watery and contains blood. Dysentery is caused by eating contaminated food. A contaminated food is food that has been exposed to bacteria and dirty environment.

3 Diarrhea – This is an illness in which excreta in liquid form and water are passed out more frequently than normal. If we come in contact with somebody who has diarrhea, it can infect us. Diarrhea can also be caused by eating contaminated food. The difference between diarrhea and dysentery is that diarrhea does not contain blood while dysentery does.

4 Cholera – Cholera is when a person is excreting and vomiting at the same time. This is done frequently. It is a disease that is caused by germs carried by houseflies. It can kill very fast

5 Cough – Although ordinary cough is not a disease it is symptom of diseases in the body. Cough is when someone tries to remove disturbing mucus from the lungs through the mouth. Exposure to cold, smoking and inhaling dust can cause cough.

6 Toothache – This is a type of illness that gives someone pain in or around a tooth or jaws. It can be caused by eating plenty of sweets or sugar, and poor dental habit (not washing one’s mouth regularly).

7 Headache – A headache is a continuous pain in the head. The pain can be anywhere in the head or neck. If we overwork ourselves, it can cause headache. Someone who hits his/her head against a hard object will also have a headache. Headache may also be a symptom of other diseases like malaria.

8 Typhoid fever – It is a type of illness that causes diarrhea and rashes. It is caused by taking contaminated food or water. We can also get typhoid if we stay close to an infected person.

Other common illnesses are:

1 Chicken pox

2 Catarrhs

3 Cold

4 Stomachaches

5 Measles


 Symptoms of common illnesses

Generally, common illnesses present almost the same symptoms.

Some of them are:

1 General weakness – This is when someone is tired and finds it difficult to walk, work and even talk.

2 Lack of appetite – If someone does not have appetite, it means he/she does not have desire for food. The person may be hungry but may not feel like eating. When this happens, it is a sign of common illness.


3 Headache or cold – Headache or cold may be a symptom of malaria, typhoid, toothache or other common illnesses.

4 General itching of the body – This may be a symptom of skin diseases like eczema and ring worm. Itching gives discomfort on the skin or body and it makes someone to scratch it all the time.

A girl scratching her body


5 Dizziness – Dizziness can happen in two different ways:

a) When someone feels like fainting.

b) When it looks as if the surrounding is moving.

If we lose too much blood and water in the body, we may feel

dizzy. This may be because of dysentery or diarrhoea.

7 Vomiting – This is when someone throws up, that is, pouring out what he/she has eaten through the mouth or nose. Vomiting is a symptom of serious common illnesses.



 Causes of common illnesses

Common illnesses can be caused by many things. Some of them are discussed below.

1 Dirty, dusty, and polluted environment can make someone develop cough, cold and catarrh. It can also cause dysentery, diarrhea and cholera.

A dirty environment

2 A person can also contact typhoid, diarrhea and dysentery by drinking unclean water or by eating dirty food.

Contaminated (dirty) food



3 Stagnant water and dirty environment can attract and produce mosquitoes which can lead to the spread of malaria.


4 Eating too much sweets and biscuits can lead to stomach upset, pile, toothache and vomiting.


5 You may catch a cold if you expose yourself to a cold weather.

6 Not washing our hands after using the toilet may cause some common illnesses.


7 If we leave our food open, flies and other insects can contaminate it.


8 If we dispose our refuse carelessly in our surroundings. it will expose us to air and insect-borne diseases like cholera, dysentery and diarrhea.



Prevention of common illnesses

We can prevent or stop common illnesses from attacking us.

This can be done in the following ways:

1 We should be clean always.

2 We should eat clean food and drink clean water.

3 We should keep our surroundings clean.

4 We should not allow insects like mosquitoes to bite us. This can be avoided by using insecticide-treated mosquito nets.

5 We should clean up our gutter and free it from dirt and stagnant water.

6 We should always eat a balanced diet.

7 We should regularly go for medical check-up in the hospital.

8 We must wash our fruits before eating them.

9 When we put refuse in the dustbin, we must cover it.


A Choose the best answers for the following questions.

1 A person who is ill ______________.

A will eat well B will be strong

C will not feel healthy and well

2 An example of common illness is ______________.

Dysentery B cancer C diabetes

3 A continuous, watery excreta with blood is ______________. A dysentery B diarrhea C cholera

4 When someone is excreting and vomiting frequently he

has ______________. Diarrhea B cholera C malaria

5 The insect causing malaria is ______________.

A housefly B butterfly C mosquito

6 If we eat too much sweet and biscuit, we may have


A toothache B headache C coughs

7 A common illness can make us ______________.

A strong B sleep well C weak

8 When someone is hungry but does not like eating, the

person is described as ______________.

A having appetite B lacking appetite

C losing weight

9 Vomiting may be a symptom


WEEK 4&5


By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

1 define road accident.

2 list at least five causes of road accidents.

3 mention at least five ways of preventing road accidents.


Meaning of road accident

An accident can be defined as an event that happens without anyone planning it. When accident occurs, it may lead to injury or death.

.An accident can happen anywhere. It can happen at home, in the school, at the place of work or on the road. Accidents that happen on the road are called road accidents.

A road accident is a sudden bad thing that happens on the road which can cause damage or loss of property, physical injury or loss of life.

A road accident may occur when a moving vehicle such as a car, lorry, motorcycle or bicycle hits someone on the road. Also, when a moving vehicle hits another vehicle on the road, it is said to be a road accident.

It is very important to watch carefully before crossing the road. If a person crosses a busy road without looking carefully, such a person may be knocked down by a moving vehicle.

When an accident occurs, the following people are affected

1 The victim – This is the person that is knocked down or injured.

2 The driver – The person that drives the vehicle.

3 The owner of the vehicle – He may have to bear the cost of repairing the vehicle and caring for the victim.

4 The families of the victim, the driver and the owner – They will have to bear the burden of unplanned expenses on the care of the victim, the vehicle, or the loss of their relatives.

5 The community and other road users – Road accidents usually lead to obstruction on the road. This will disturb the free flow of traffic. Other road users will have to bear the burden of delay.

Causes of road accidents

Road accident can occur at any time. The causes are as follows:

1 Carelessness

Road accidents may occur as a result of carelessness on the part of the road users. A pedestrian may cross the road without looking left and right. A driver may also lose concentration while driving.

2 Drinking of alcohol

Drivers who take alcoholic drink before or while driving could have road accidents.


3 Disobedience to traffic rules

Traffic rules are the laws we must obey when we are driving or making use of the road. These are some examples of traffic rules.

a) Do not make or receive phone calls while driving.

b) Do not eat while driving.

c) Always obey the traffic light.

d) Do not carry load above the weight or number of passengers required by law.

e) Person under 18 years of age must not drive.

f) Do not smoke while driving.

g) Use your headlight during bad weather.

Disregard for these rules can lead to road accidents

4 Lack of maintenance

 5 Bad roads

Bad road can also cause accidents. A bad road may be a road that is full of potholes, gallops or bends. If a driver suddenly and mistakenly enters a pothole, it may cause an accident. Bends that are too sharp may also make a vehicle to swerve off the road..

6 Inability to read signs

7 Speeding

8 Impatience

9 Narrow bridge

10 Falling asleep while driving


Prevention of road accidents

Road accidents can be prevented if necessary precautions are taken.

These are the some of the ways to prevent road accident.

1 Drive very carefully – do not be too much in a hurry.

2 Give considerations to other road users.

3 The government should repair roads once they are bad or damaged.

4 Check and repair your vehicle regularly.

5 Do not put your vehicle on the road without all necessary items like the fire extinguisher, spare tyre, jack, wheel spanner and caution sign.


6 Do not drink alcohol or take drugs before or while driving.

7 Government should educate drivers and other road users on how to work with the road safety corps.




